
Writing about science

I specialise in writing about science for people who are not scientists.

I believe it’s better to challenge people with the ideas, not the language.

My science writing takes many forms, in both digital and print media, including:

  • research summariespolicy briefscase studies and explainers for funders, decision-makers and policymakers
  • feature stories, blog posts, web content and newsletter articles for interested lay people
  • interpretive text for visitors to museums, galleries and visitor centres
  • media releases for journalists
  • social media posts for your followers.

Writing stories about science

Stories are the best way to communicate your science because we are hardwired to remember stories.

I can help you find a good story in your research.

I can draft the story from material that you supply, such as a journal article or a research report, and augment this with further research if necessary.

Phone interviews are great for unearthing twists to a story, clarifying understanding, and getting perspectives expressed in everyday words.

Afraid of your work being dumbed down?

As Albert Einstein said: “As simple as possible… but not simpler”.

That’s what I strive for.

What’s the story in your science?

Contact me for a confidential chat about your needs.